Category: Fiber Arts

Posted in Fiber Arts

Neon Rainbow Assorted Cords

Posted in Etsy Fiber Arts Products

Cabin Cove Magnetic Sewing Beeswax

Posted in Etsy Fiber Arts Products

Conductive Thread 30′ – Free shipping

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

And, More Work on the Robe

Posted in Clothing Dusty Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

More work on the Robe

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

Ceremonial Robe Progress

Posted in Fiber Arts Spinning

Spinning the Colored Chalk Yarn

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

More Strip Sewing for the Robe

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

Piecework for the Ceremonial Robe

Posted in Fiber Arts Spinning

Prepping the Colored Chalk Merino Wool

Posted in Fiber Arts Spinning

Another Dye Day

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

Zig Zag Strips for the Robe

Posted in Dusty Etsy Fiber Arts Products Spinning

Assembling Cabin Cove Spinning Kits

Posted in Fiber Arts Spinning

Ember + Ash Handspun Merino Yarn

Posted in Fiber Arts Sewing

Christmas Stockings

Posted in Blog Post Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

Seminole-Style Piecing for the Robe

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Hearth + Home Products

Ouija Board Pillow

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

The Sewing begins on the Ceremonial Robe

Posted in Clothing Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

Commence Cutting for the Robe

Posted in Fiber Arts Quilting Sewing

Robe Fabric Auditions

Posted in Fiber Arts Hearth + Home Spinning

Newell Funeral Parlor Halloween