R.I.P. Dusty

Dusty Daniels 4/1/2008 – 6/5/2023

It is with extreme sadness to report that Dusty has passed, and gone over the Rainbow Bridge.

Words escape me right now. It’s actually been a couple of weeks now, and I still can’t speak. Like, every time I open my mouth, the sadness I’ve been choking back comes out. He’s been my constant companion and source of unconditional love for the last fifteen years. We’ve been through so much, the little guy and I.

All of the love I had for him has nowhere to go, and comes out as tears. I miss his little face, looking at me with so much love. He’s kept me sane and grounded and loved since the day he came home with me.

Where to go from here? I’m not sure. The last year and a half has been so difficult. Lost my mom in the fall of 2021. This past December, I left my job and my career. In February, I finally filed for early retirement to get money. It was never planned, or expected. I wasn’t (and still now) not ready. And, the day after I filed, my dad had a fall at home, broke his neck, and passed away a few days later. Since then, life has been in turmoil dealing with family about his estate, and all the bullshit that it brings. (The house is in bad shape, brother wants to pay to bulldoze it, my aunt took herself off the trust with my siblings because she’s too old for the stupidity and drama of the brother and his wife.

Through all of it, it’s Dusty that holds my heart. I’ve tried sewing, but can’t concentrate. He’s always been there, sitting on the sewing table or ironing board, and I could talk ideas to him. He was an important part of the creative process. These were just a few of the quilts he and I made during the dark days of the pandemic. And all those fun pillows.


I’ll love you and miss you forever, my baby kitty.

More Dusty posts here.