Wedding Quilt Progress

The Wedding Quit is coming along really well. I’ve got to admit, I don’t know why there was such a lag in the progress early on. Sometimes, projects just come along at their own pace.

It all started out with making batik fabric hearts which were then attached to circles. Originally, the idea was to send these out to folks all around the world and have them write something on them with a fabric marker. The idea and cost is what stopped that idea.

Now, it looks like we’d rather have folks who attend our ceremony to have them write on it at that time. I’m also considering making my small drawstring bags and filling them with something like lavender as mementos, and attach those to the hearts so folks can take it when they write on the quilt. That’s the current thought, though.

I’ve got some preliminary Drunkard’s Path pieces cut and ready to go, shown above. It’s looking really good.

To properly/correctly center the hearts and circles into yet another circle will take some precision work. And, washable glue sticks to tack them into place for more sewing.

Progress continues.