The Fiber Festival of New England

Even though we are at the end of year two of Covid, it’s still not over. With that in mind, we were cautious regarding going to a sheep and wool festival. Springfield just ended their mask mandate on November 1, 2021. When it was announced during the summer, I immediately jumped online and got our tickets. The fee was nominal, but it was worth it to guarantee our spot to get in. If it got cancelled, there will always be next year, or the year after…

We went. FIFO: First In, First Out. The crowds were not there. The vendors were smaller than years past, and the turnout was thinned, too. And, more than half we masked and kept socially distanced. It was worth going and we’re so glad we did.

This is our haul. Everything from fresh local syrup to soaps, spinning fiber, shaker boxes and lucets.