Garden 2022

The inaugural post for the 2022 gardening season, #garden2022.

On a beautiful, snowy Sunday morning, the first thing to do is make brunch and begin contemplating the seed options. Luckily, none of this will cost us anything since we have so many packets of seeds leftover from last year. We also have the incubator, heating mat, lights, starter pots and soil.

The first batch of seeds has been chosen for the first phase of planting:

Burpee Organic Jalapeno
Cayenne Blend
Fish Pepper
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Park’s Whopper Jalapeno
Passion Flower
Santake Chile
Thai Basil
Thai Bird Chilli

Planting grid in the incubator:

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7
Passion Flower Thai Basil Thai Bird Chilli Park’s Whopper Jalapeno Burpee Organic Jalapeno Corn Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Dahlia Thai Basil Thai Bird Chilli Park’s Whopper Jalapeno Burpee Organic Jalapeno Corn Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Luffa Cayenne Blend Thai Bird Chilli Park’s Whopper Jalapeno Burpee Organic Jalapeno Corn Fish Pepper
Santake Chile Habanero Habanero Park’s Whopper Jalapeno Burpee Organic Jalapeno Corn Fish Pepper

Everything is labeled:

24 pots in total, ready to grow!

Below, the heating mat set to 90 degrees. I’ve found that this is important in order to get a good germination:

Initial heating temp is 80°F, but will get raised to 90°F.

The temperature sensor for the heating mat is lowered through a vent in the top of the incubator and set to rest between the pots:

The final setup in the east-facing kitchen window:

Our happy new garden in the kitchen. The blinding light is the snow. 🙂