The Elephant Ear Returns

Last year, we got a large elephant ear bulb from Wanczyk Nursery  We purchased it on April 3, 2021, at the beginning of the pandemic. I wrote a nice post with lots of photos in September 2021 here.

This was the little guy on adoption day:


The first year, it grew to this enormous state, and was the focal point of the garden:


The view from the apartment upstairs:


So, in the fall, I dug it up from it’s pot, and set it in a cardboard box for a few weeks.  It then went into a paper bag, where it sat neglected in the back of the potting shelves.

When I was organizing the potting shelves for the upcoming garden season, I found the paper bag down inside a huge flowerpot.  There it was, the hibernating elephant ear, and it had started growing!


Because the bulb in the bag was tipped to the side, the new growth was growing at an angle. Look at those pink leaves:


There was an old vinegar jug on the shelf, and it got cut in half. The bulb got wrapped in sphagnum moss and put into the cut jug.  It got a nice, refreshing drink to help waken it from it’s slumber.


In just a matter of days, under the garden grow lights, a small green sprout began to emerge! Updates later as it develops.