My First Fabric Strip Rug

This was Pandemic Purchase #378, and Pandemic Project #789043, Fabric Strip Rug.

During the pandemic, I saw a video about making a fabric strip rug. It seemed like such a great idea and something I’d love to try.

Over the first few weeks of the quarantine and lockdowns, I stocked up on quilting fabrics for masks and various projects. If I was going to be homebound more than usual, I was going to need some supplies to keep me entertained. The batik strips I purchased online and got an extra set for the rug. The batting, after much research and price checking, I found via a source on Amazon.

These supplies stayed in a pile in the bedroom for almost two years. With the drama from the neighbors, being creative wasn’t an option, especially using the sewing machine. Their constant retaliation about the noise of the sewing machine had taken its toll and it wasn’t enjoyable.

Finally, the day had come when  we were getting packed to move. If neighbors weren’t leaving, we were ready to go. While packing up the sewing area, I came across all the supplies. Giving them as a donation was on my mind more than making something. It all went into a large moving box set aside for gifting.

They were leaving! The neighbors had given their notice and were packing to move.

What did this mean for us?

We decided to stay. This has been our home for a few years and we liked it here. Until they moved in. Now, the couple and their two barking dogs were leaving.

While unpacking, we moved the layout and furniture so it felt like a new place.

The sewing area now, below. It’s a mess in progress, but it’s a fun space with the nice pegboard racks and shelves. The fabric strips being made into a rug, also below. I didn’t document the first few days of making because I wasn’t sure I was going to keep on or toss it.


The joined strips of fabric being folded into the batting strip:

The padded strips, clipped and ready for sewing:


Sewing the folded strips:


The finished super-long strip:


Done and coiled and time for a break:



Sewing the rug or mat. This would be good to do on an in-set machine. Distortion is the enemy.


The final rug! I added the large monstera leaves for fun:



Oh, and there’s that selfie of me wearing it as a hat, which I kind of like the idea: