TBT this cast iron crepe pan was one of the very first things I bought when I moved out of my boyhood home at 17 years old. This pan has made hundreds, if not thousands, of crepes for many dinners, breakfasts and desserts. This pan has had more than enough abuse over the years, too. Most recently, I set it on top of the kitchen radiator to keep it safe and dry and away from the sink area. Well, said radiator had a weak from the pipe above and I discovered it had suffered severe rusting on the bottom from having sat in water. Heartbreaking, but it’s happened before and I knew what to do. It’s now been properly cleaned and re-seasoned. These crepes represent the testing of that pan-love and it performed as it always had these many years. Now, what to make with all these crepe shells??? I’m not sure if I’m in the mood for a chicken and mushroom crepe with sauteed mushrooms, or an ice cream crepe with French vanilla ice cream topped with melted caramel, walnut and almond flavored fresh whipped cream and a dusting of confectioners sugar…