Road Trip: Burlington, Vermont

It’s summer, the weather is fantastic, we’re double-vaccinated, and we need a serious road trip.

After many days and hours of deliberation, the destination is going to be Burlington, Vermont!

Why Burlington? We’ve never been, it’s a manageable day trip, and there’s WATER!

We got off the highway to go to a Dunkins for some iced coffee and we spotted this tree full of crows:

More mountains:

Our arrival at Lake Champlain:

Our first stop is at the Burlington Earth Clock at Oakledge Park. (New Age info here.) The Burlington Earth Clock is a 43½-foot circle of 14 granite stones that creates a clock, compass and calendar.

A short drive back into town and we were taking in the sites downtown.

We were having so much fun exploring the rea. We also found a place to get fried clams!

It was a fun day trip, and it’s been deemed as a place to explore further, including an overnight.