Garden Update

Today is going to be a long day at work with a late-day meeting. At just before 6AM, with Bryan out the door for work, I decided to take on repotting a few of the plants in need. Yes, this is what I’m doing at 6AM…

The seedlings planted on the Winter Solstice is thriving! More than half of what we planted didn’t sprout, and I blame that on the seeds not being viable. Meaning? They were home-grown seeds. Cotton seeds, yellow peppers and a few others were all seeds purchased online from individuals versus companies. Lesson learned.

Above: the ginger roots from the grocery store are sprouting and pushing up quickly. Last year was the first time I had ever attempted it, and it was a great success.

Above: two of the nasturtiums have been potted up into a hanging basket. These should be the trailing variety and should give a nice drape of green leaves and a bounty of blossoms.

Above: The other nasturtium seedlings were moved into large nursery pots. These are supposed to be compact growers.

The two louffa gourds are now in one larger pot. I’m concerned with one of the vines because it had grown so rapidly that it tipped over the the main stalk got a sharp bend. I’ve now got them taped (plant hook and loop tape) to the tallest pole in our collection. Fingers crossed that they both survive. I haven’t had much luck with these since I first grew them in a plot in the Victory Gardens in the Fenway in Boston back in the 80’s.