Garden Mayhem

We were informed today that the garden needs to go. EVERYTHING must be moved by tomorrow morning. It seems that the property management has decided to power wash the deck and then get painted. It seems that the upstairs neighbors made a complain that “the deck is slimy and slippery and a hazard to passers-by”. (These are the same folks who left the bag of dog crap on the deck.)

This is such bad news. What are we supposed to do? Where is this all going? We dread the idea of moving it all inside given that there will be bugs and other things on them, and we don’t want to contaminate the indoor plants. Plus, there was little space when these were little seedlings; now, they are full-grown and producing fruits.

So, sadly, while the rains came down, we began moving every last pot and window box…








We are heartbroken and devastated. More than half the plants ended up in the compost pile for lack of adequate space to store them. What didn’t fit inside were crammed on the staircase leading to the upstairs apartment. The tenant was OK with us using the stairway since she never used it.

There’s a staircase under here somewhere: